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Smell Ya Later

From Kingdom Hearts Database

"Smell Ya Later" is a cutscene in Kingdom Hearts III.

Story[edit | edit source]

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Randall (screaming): "Whyyy?!"

Randall begins to kick the junk pile. Mike notices the door behind him and signals to Sulley, who fails to understand initially, before figuring out what Mike wants to do.

Sulley: "Ah!"

Sulley and Mike run in different directions.

Donald Duck: "Where are you going--"

Goofy stops Donald. Sulley comes up behind Randall and screams at him.


Mike opens a door in front of Randall.

Mike: "All right, and in ya go."

Sulley: "There's no place for you here anymore, Randall. Now we're in the business of making children laugh."

Randall (yelling): "You think it's funny?"

Mike: "Hilarious! The more that you whine, the funnier it gets."

Sulley: "Enjoy your extended vacation."

Randall: "You clowns are gonna be sorry when I find my way back and I finally take over this place!"

Randall walks through the door into a trailer in the human world.

Trailer Son: "Mama, that gator's in the house again!"

Trailer Mom: "Are you kidding?! Oh, this time, he's in for it."

The trailer owner begins beating Randall up.

Mike: "So long! Smell ya later."

Mike shuts the door closed. Sulley prepares to punch the door light.

Sulley: "And now we just need to do one last thing."

Sora: "Hang on! I have a way to lock him out."

Sora uses the Keyblade to lock the door permanently.

Donald Duck: "And that takes care of that."

Goofy: "Uh-huh."


Mike, Sulley, and the others climb up to Boo’s door.

Sulley: "Okay, Boo. Time to go home. You must be tuckered out, but we'll play together real soon."

The door begins to move.

Mike: "What now?!"

Video[edit | edit source]

Smell Ya Later

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