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An Ace Up Randall's Sleeve

From Kingdom Hearts Database

"An Ace Up Randall's Sleeve" is a cutscene in Kingdom Hearts III.

Story[edit | edit source]

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Sulley: "Everybody look for Boo's door."

Randall walks up to the others, chuckling.

Sulley: "Randall..."

Mike: "Didn't you learn your lesson with that pile-of-junk fiasco?"

Randall: "Oh, I learned a lot."

Mike brushes it off and walks up to it. Boo begins to cry and hides behind Sulley.

Sulley: "Wait, Mike. Something's different!"

Mike: "Oh, please. It's just more junk."

Randall watches eagerly from above, laughing. Mike turns to tell him off, but the junk pile comes to life.

Sora: "An Unversed!"

Sulley runs up to Mike.

Sulley: "Mike, time to reach down and let the scary out."

Mike smiles and pats his face.

Mike: "Oh, I'm ready, Sulley. I'm ready!"

Randall: "Finally... This is exactly what I need to take over the company. But first, I am getting rid of you."

Randall (to the Unversed): "Attack!"

Video[edit | edit source]

An Ace Up Randall's Sleeve

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