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Confrontation with Vanitas

From Kingdom Hearts Database

"Confrontation with Vanitas" is a cutscene in Kingdom Hearts III.

Story[edit | edit source]

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Sora and the others arrive on the laugh floor. A hooded figure approaches.

Sora: "Who are you?"

???: "Gotta say, that strange facade had me fooled at first, brother."

The hooded figure removes his hood, revealing a mask.

Sora: "Wait a sec... Oh yeah! You were at the cathedral! And hey! Who are YOU to call anyone strange?"

Goofy (to Donald): "Say, do we know this guy?"

Donald Duck: "Uhhh..."

???: "We haven't ever met in the flesh. I am Vanitas."

Sora: "This is the part where you spout some mumbo jumbo and disappear, right?"

Vanitas: "This whole world...was powered by scream. They converted the screams of human children into energy. And this very company was what made it all happen. It's as rich a source of negative emotion as we'll ever find."

Mike (angrily): "For the last time, we already stopped doing that!"

Vanitas: "Did you? Then how do you explain all these canisters of surplus scream?"

Vanitas: "This facility was everything I could hope for. And I was lucky enough to find a pawn whose heart was darkened by thoughts of revenge."

Mike: "You mean Randall."

Sulley: "All Randall ever cared about was winning. And this guy took advantage of that weakness."

Vanitas: "My heart is made of just one thing. And the Unversed collected enough screams and sadness from those children to reconstruct it."

Mike: "Yeah, and the whole time they were trashing our company in the process!"

Vanitas: "But, even with all this negative emotion, my heart is still incomplete. I need something else."

Vanitas drops the cannister of scream energy, sending it flying.

Sora: "Whoa!"

Vanitas points his Keyblade at Sora.

Vanitas: "The half of me that sleeps on...inside of your heart."

Sora and Ventus: "Vanitas!"

Vanitas: "Ventus... What a strange place to slither off to… you insignificant speck."

Sora slaps Vanitas’s hand away.

Sora: "What are you talking about?"

Vanitas: "Oh, you wouldn't remember. When you were formed a special bond, with a boy named Ventus who joined with your heart."

Donald Duck: "Ven!"

Goofy: "Is he sayin' that one of the missing Keyblade wielders is inside Sora's heart?"

Sora: "How is that possible?"

Vanitas: "Now, you will return Ventus to me."

Vanitas attempts to strike at Sora, but his attack is blocked by Donald and Goofy.

Sora: "Donald...Goofy..."

Goofy: "The King told us about this. Ventus wasn't able to defeat Vanitas. They struck each other down, and then the King said that Ventus's heart never returned to him!"

Donald Duck: "You're not gonna do that to Sora! No way!"

Vanitas: "Stay out of this."

Vanitas strikes at Donald and Goofy, pushing them away.

Donald Duck and Goofy: "Sora!"

Sora attempts to defend himself, but Vanitas swats his Keyblade away.

Vanitas: "Join your heart...with mine!"

Sulley sneaks up behind Vanitas.

Sulley: "Made you look!"

Sulley screams at Vanitas, distracting him. Sulley picks him up as he struggles.

Vanitas: "Let me go!"

Several doors arrive on the Laugh Floor. Mike opens one of the doors.

Mike: "Over here, Sulley!"

Sulley throws Vanitas through the door.

Sulley: "Close it! Quick!"

Mike closes the door. Sulley runs to the door and pulls it off the floor before throwing it through another open door. Mike and Sulley repeat this three times. The final door is destroyed through a woodchipper. Mike and Sulley high-five, with Boo coming up next to them.

Sulley: "Boo!"

Mike: "Hey!"

Sora: "That was awesome!"

Donald Duck: "Thank you!"

Goofy: "We owe ya."

Sulley: "No, we should be thanking you. We never woulda managed to get Boo this far if you hadn't come along to help."

Mike: "And finally, we found her door."

Sora: "Boo, I know how excited you were to come play with Mike and Sulley. Sorry we dragged you into this."

Donald Duck: "Watch it! You're gonna scare her with that face!"

Sora: "Hey, you are way scarier."

Goofy: "Gawrsh, I think you're both scary."

The group laughs.

Sulley: "Okay, Boo. Time to go."

Boo: "Kitty..."

Mike: "We'll catch up soon, kid."

Boo: "Mike Wazowski!"

Mike turns around to see Donald behind him.

Mike: "No, that's Donald, Boo."

Boo runs up to Mike.

Boo: "Mike Wazowski."

Mike: "Better. I'll see ya, kid."

Sulley walks Boo to her door.

Sora, Donald Duck and Goofy: "Boo!"

Boo turns around. Sora, Donald, and Goofy wave their hands as they make silly faces.

Sora, Donald Duck and Goofy: "So looong!"

Boo laughs.

Video[edit | edit source]

Confrontation with Vanitas

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