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Nameless Star

From Kingdom Hearts Database

The following is a collection of cutscenes featuring the Nameless Star.

Kingdom Hearts III[edit | edit source]

Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory[edit | edit source]

"Yes. He was here. He encouraged me not to give up. Did something happen to him?"
"Do I know you?"
"Sorry, but did I hear you say "Sora"?"
"I'm not sure exactly what's happening. But if Sora is in trouble, I want to help. Please, let me know what you need from me."
"You're all able to retain your appearance in this world. I met someone else who could do that."
"A city full of tall buildings... Quadratum? It has more skyscrapers than any other city I know. That must be it."
"My dream...come true?"
"Oh...yes. It seems you know a lot about me."
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