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Washing Up

From Kingdom Hearts Database

"Washing Up" is a cutscene in Kingdom Hearts III.

Story[edit | edit source]

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Sulley: "Boo!"

Mike: "Come back! You can't run off, kid!"

Boo: "Kitty!"

Sulley: "Oh, there you are."

Sulley: "That paint was kinda growin' on me!"

Mike (smiling): "Woo! This is way better."

Mike: "Agh! Hey, no. Would ya cut that out?"

Boo: "Kitty!"

Sulley: "Boo, c'mere."

Mike: "Sulley, let's get her outta here."

Sora: "The Heartless are here too?"

Video[edit | edit source]

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