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Pipe Pathway

From Kingdom Hearts Database

"Pipe Pathway" is a cutscene in Kingdom Hearts III.

Story[edit | edit source]

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Mike leads the group towards an exit.

Mike: "This way."

Giant pipes above and around them begin to explode. The destructions sends the group running away, and blocks their path forward.

Mike: "Oh, great. This time we're really stuck."

Sora: "Sulley, have you got any ideas?"

Sulley: "Just gimme a second."

Boo runs away, then comes running back to Sulley, pointing to a fallen pipe.

Boo: "Kitty!"

Sulley: "If I'm right about that pipe..."

Sulley thinks about the pipe.

Sulley: "Yep, it's perfect. Boo, thank you!"

Sulley turns to the others.

Sulley: "We gotta follow that pipe."

Mike: "What?! Wait a sec. I thought we were going straight to the door vault. The only place that pipe leads is to the cooling tank! You sure you don't have a better idea?"

Sulley: "Don't worry, Mike. Just trust me."

Video[edit | edit source]

Pipe Pathway

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