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To the Tower!

From Kingdom Hearts Database

"To the Tower!" is a cutscene in Kingdom Hearts III.

Story[edit | edit source]

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Flynn Rider: "Woah, Max! Woah, boy."

Flynn and Max find Donald, Goofy, and Sora.

Goofy: "Flynn!"

Flynn Rider: "Is Sora okay?"

Donald Duck: "We don't know."

Goofy: "We keep calling his name and shakin' him, but he won't open his eyes."

Donald Duck (distanced): "Sora!"

Goofy (distanced): "Wake up!"

Flynn Rider (distanced): "Hmm... Unresponsive sidekick... Wait a minute. I know how to fix this! Max, give him a wash!"

Max licks Sora. Sora awakens.

Donald Duck and Goofy: "Sora!"

Flynn Rider: "Well, that did the trick. Nice work, Max!"

Sora: "Huh? How did I end up... Oh no! Flynn, Rapunzel's being held prisoner!"

Flynn Rider: "That's right. In her mother's tower. This calls for a rescue. Are you with me?"

Sora: "Yeah."

Sora, Donald, and Goofy get on Max.

Flynn Rider: "Let's go, Max."


Nobodies appear before Flynn and the others.

Sora: "We'll take it from here, Flynn. Go help Rapunzel."

Flynn Rider: "Thanks."

Flynn and Max ride on ahead.

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