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Property:Has map coordinate

From Kingdom Hearts Database

This is a property of type Geographic coordinates.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
0° 48' 59.94" N, 94° 13' 7.50" E  +
10° 26' 39.17" N, 73° 50' 37.50" E  +
10° 30' 52.29" N, 73° 47' 48.75" E  +
10° 53' 22.29" N, 73° 59' 31.88" E  +
10° 56' 39.17" N, 73° 55' 18.75" E  +
103° 10' 16.99" N, 24° 43' 7.50" E  +
107° 21' 31.99" N, 23° 58' 7.50" E  +
112° 42' 14.77" N, 25° 30' 0.00" E  +
13° 7' 59.88" N, 78° 26' 15.00" E  +
15° 2' 40.84" N, 79° 7' 30.00" E  +
15° 8' 18.34" N, 77° 22' 30.00" E  +
15° 27' 3.34" N, 78° 53' 26.25" E  +
15° 31' 44.59" N, 79° 10' 18.75" E  +
15° 31' 44.59" N, 79° 10' 18.75" E  +
16° 35' 8.49" N, 75° 0' 56.25" E  +
16° 54' 52.38" N, 82° 52' 30.00" E  +
17° 28' 34.74" N, 75° 58' 7.50" E  +
17° 29' 1.99" N, 68° 15' 0.00" E  +
17° 50' 29.59" N, 76° 31' 52.50" E  +
17° 51' 25.84" N, 75° 51' 33.75" E  +
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