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Kingdom Hearts Digital Painter

From Kingdom Hearts Database
Kingdom Hearts Digital Painter
Kingdom Hearts Digital Painter logo KHDP.png
January 7-14, 2012"January 7-14, 2012" contains more than three components required for a date interpretation.
End of Service

"Go on a quest to Castle Oblivion and create a drawing that won't be forgotten."

Kingdom Hearts Digital Painter was an online flash game hosted on the Disney Create platform at It was one of several art studio flash games based on Disney properties, allowing players to create a digital drawing using basic brushes and colors and featuring stamps, brushes, and patterns based on the Kingdom Hearts series.

Kingdom Hearts Digital Painter was released between January 7 and 14, 2012[1] on Along with the Disney Create platform, the title was removed from the website on May 1, 2014.[2]

Story[edit | edit source]

The game's introduction prompts the player to create a drawing that won't be forgotten in Castle Oblivion. Beyond this, no narrative exists in Kingdom Hearts Digital Painter, and the title is not considered canon to the Kingdom Hearts series.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Like the various other digital painters released on Disney Create, Kingdom Hearts Digital Painter is a free-to-play online art studio similar to Microsoft Paint or Paint.NET. The game features a large canvas on which to paint on and a variety of brushes, colors, images, and backgrounds to create with.

To the right of the canvas is a menu that features a color picker and settings to change the brush's size, opacity, and shape. On the left, various tabs and buttons allow the player to select one of various tools.

  • The Pen has various brush styles: four generic brush strokes and eleven styles using unique patterns based mostly on the Kingdom Hearts series.
  • The Stamp tool allows the player to insert one of fifty-three images from the Kingdom Hearts series. The images come from concept art or key art from Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts II. There are also stamps for the names of Sora, Kairi, Riku, Donald Duck, and Goofy using the Kingdom Hearts logo font, which were created for Kingdom Hearts Digital Painter.
  • The Spray Can tool allows adding color to the canvas with a spraying effect.
  • The Fill tool fills an area with a solid color or pattern.
  • The Text tool allows one to insert any text to the canvas.
  • The Hand tool allows moving, resizing, or rotating any existing images or lines on the canvas.
  • The Eraser tool removes lines and images from the canvas.
  • The Dropper tool selects a color for the pen or fill tools from a color selected by the cursor from the canvas.
  • The Magnify tool zooms in and out of the canvas.

The top bar has buttons to start anew, open an existing creation, and save, print, or download the open creation on the canvas. Buttons to undo and redo the last action appear on the top bar as well.

Creations made in Kingdom Hearts Digital Painter could be shared and featured on the Disney Create website.

Development and Release[edit | edit source]

"All of your beloved Kingdom Hearts friends are waiting. It's time to create your own quest. The journey begins at the newest digital painter. Choose your adventure!"
My Disney website

Kingdom Hearts Digital Painter was one of several similar online art studio games available on the website's Disney Create page. The Disney Create platform, which launched in 2009, featured over 100 different similar digital painter games based on a variety of Disney properties. All of the digital painter games were made as flash games.

Kingdom Hearts Digital Painter was released sometime between January 7 and January 14, 2012.[1] An announcement of the game's availability was posted on the My Disney page on around the same time,[3] but no additional announcement of the game was made.

In 2014, Disney announced the closure of Disney Create, resulting in the end of Kingdom Hearts Digital Painter. The platform was closed on May 1, 2014.[2] On January 1, 2021, in coordination with major web browser developers, Adobe discontinued Adobe Flash Player,[4] the primary technology player that enabled flash games like Kingdom Hearts Digital Painter, further complicating the ability to play the game since.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Based on the game missing from this Internet Archive snapshot of the Disney Create site from January 7, 2012, and the game page having its earliest Internet Archive snapshot from January 14, 2012.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Disney: Create FAQ: "WHEN DID DISNEY CREATE CLOSE? Disney Create closed on May 1, 2014."
  3. Internet Archive: My Disney | Customize Your Experience (Archived January 16, 2012)
  4. Adobe: "Adobe Flash Player End of Life"
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