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KHDatabase:Test Hub

From Kingdom Hearts Database

Kingdom Hearts Database 20th Anniversary logo (COM) KHDB.png

Test for the new Collaboration Hub extension. We'll see if this actually works or not.

History of the Test Hub

We've been needing to do some testing for this new hub to organize projects on the Kingdom Hearts Database in a way that doesn't necessarily rely on an underutilized feature (forums) and can be easily advertised on Twitter and other social platforms.


  • A new Collaboration Hub has been set up! 13:06, 12 February 2022 (MST)
  • Discussion pages and lists have been added! 13:35, 12 February 2022 (MST)
Project features

List of pages

A list of pages to work on


Merlin's House forum header.png
Forums: Forums > Merlin's House > Test Hub

Senior Administrator, News Team(verify)
Joined 29 May 24
19,419 edits
Posted: 00:58, 14 October 2018 (MDT)
KeybladeSpyMaster  - I fight for the Users!
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png - Greetings, users. System is up, and ready for user input. - 12:58 AM Sun, October 14, 2018 MDT

Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png Alright! So, here's our first project on the brand new Kingdom Hearts Database! This forum will basically be an expanded version of what we've been discussing on the Database Discord over the last few months, being a lot more specific. The project is evolving as we go along, so feel free to discuss whatever changes we need to make! In short, however, the goal of Project Kingdom Key is to speed up the general reliability of the Database by focusing on certain areas in the Kingdom Hearts series to cover in the short time we have before Kingdom Hearts III releases. In this way, we hope to show the kind of site we want to be and the kind of content we want to have, increase trust among the community in us and our reliability in being factually correct (even if the breadth we're correct in is small for the moment), and attract people who may want to contribute to the Database, thereby making covering the entire series easier as time goes by.

For each item here, we want to make sure a few things are happening:

  • The article exists
  • There's a format in KHDatabase:Manual of Style for that kind of article, and the article is written adhering to that format.
  • The article looks just like other articles of its type (similar to other game articles, or other character articles, etc.)

So, without further ado, here is the official, detailed task list!

Link to Meeting Summary:Meeting 01: 17, 20 July 2018

NOTE: A more updated and interactive version can be found here: Project Kingdom Key - Microsoft To-Do Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png

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