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Journal entries of Yuffie throughout the Kingdom Hearts series.

Kingdom Hearts[edit | edit source]

A female ninja who escaped to Traverse Town when her home world was taken by the Heartless. She stays strong and cheerful in any situation. She works with Leon and Aerith to unravel the secret of the "key".

"Final Fantasy VII"

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories[edit | edit source]

A girl whose cheerful personality belies her painful memories. When she was still young the Heartless robbed her of her home.

Never one to sweat the small stuff, Yuffie seems unfazed by her fuddled memory.

Kingdom Hearts II[edit | edit source]

Final Fantasy VII

One member of the town's Restoration Committee, a spirited girl who actively does her part to keep tabs on the town.

Yuffie met Sora when she was living away from her hometown. Thanks to his help last time, the Heartless were ousted and she got to come home -- so she's very grateful to him.

Kingdom Hearts coded[edit | edit source]

A ninja girl who hails from Radiant Garden. Her home was beset by darkness when she was still very little, and she had to flee with Cid to Traverse Town.

But someone as cheerful as Yuffie would never let this show. After meeting Sora in Traverse Town, she fought bravely alongside him against the darkness, and now she is back in Radiant Garden, hard at work rebuilding.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[edit | edit source]

KH Yuffie/Illustrated Yuffie[edit | edit source]

KINGDOM HEARTS (2002) A female ninja who stays strong and cheerful in any situation.

KH II Yuffie[edit | edit source]

KINGDOM HEARTS II (2005) A spirited girl who actively does her part to keep tabs on the town.

Kingdom Hearts III[edit | edit source]

A young girl who had fought the forces of darkness alongside Sora in the past. She is quick and nimble as a ninja, but no amount of stealth abilities can mask her youthful energy. She can be quite blunt and aloof at times.

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