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Forum:KH3 Ingredient List

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Forums: Forums > Ansem's Study > KH3 Ingredient List

Posting as I finish each world. Feel free to add. <choose><option>tumblr_osm1vakavT1tlnss6o1_75sq.png Final Rest tumblr_osm1vakavT1tlnss6o2_75sq.png</option> <option>tumblr_osispiEQ831tlnss6o8_75sq.png tumblr_osispiEQ831tlnss6o5_75sq.png FINALREST tumblr_osispiEQ831tlnss6o3_75sq.png tumblr_osispiEQ831tlnss6o6_75sq.png</option> <option>tumblr_osh3jih5LW1tlnss6o2_75sq.png Wonderfully fine air it is, out here... tumblr_osh3jih5LW1tlnss6o3_75sq.png</option> <option>tumblr_osh31izIKT1tlnss6o1_75sq.gif We must burn the house down! tumblr_osh3nq4mlF1tlnss6o7_75sq.gif</option> <option>tumblr_osh31izIKT1tlnss6o2_75sq.gif I'm gonna wish for a hat! tumblr_osh31izIKT1tlnss6o3_75sq.gif</option> <option>tumblr_osh31izIKT1tlnss6o7_75sq.gif I'm Cap'n of you, Whale! tumblr_osh31izIKT1tlnss6o8_75sq.gif</option> <option>tumblr_osh31izIKT1tlnss6o4_75sq.png I'm a peanut bar and I'm here to say... tumblr_osh3nq4mlF1tlnss6o6_75sq.png</option> <option>9366a87c6e0ac2d5beaad60bf1571aaa6ff2bb2c.gif I'll leave my love between the stars 9366a87c6e0ac2d5beaad60bf1571aaa6ff2bb2c.gif</option> <option>Fade Away...</option> <option>tumblr_osispiEQ831tlnss6o1_75sq.png Freeze in Eternity! tumblr_osispiEQ831tlnss6o2_75sq.png</option> </choose> 20:50, 2 February 2019 (MST)

Star Rating Reward
One Gourmand's Ring
Five Grand Chef Keyblade

Item Found In
Apple Olympus: Trees

The Hundred Acre Wood

Apricot Olympus: Trees

Twilight Town: Food Baskets
The Caribbean

Basil Toy Box, Kingdom of Corona
Bay Leaf Olympus: Ground

Kingdom of Corona: Ground
The Caribbean

Beef Olympus: Wooden Crates

The Caribbean

Black Truffle Moogle Shop: 20 Munny

Kingdom of Corona: Ground
Olympus: Ground

Black Trumpet Moogle Shop: 10 Munny

Kingdom of Corona: Logs
Twilight Town: Ground

Blackberry The Hundred Acre Wood, Arendelle
Blood Orange
Butter Moogle Shop: 10 Munny

Twilight Town: Takeout Boxes
Toy Box, San Fransokyo

Carrot The Hundred Acre Wood, Arendelle, The Caribbean
Caviar Moogle Shop: 10 Munny

Toy Box: Takeout Boxes
Twilight Town: Takeout Boxes

Celery Moogle Shop: 10 Munny

Olympus: Food Baskets
Twilight Town: Food Baskets
Monstropolis, The Caribbean

Chanterelle Moogle Shop: 10 Munny

Kingdom of Corona: Logs
Olympus: Ground
Twilight Town: Ground

Cheese Toy Box: Takeout Boxes

San Fransokyo

Chocolate Moogle Shop: 10 Munny

Toy Box: Takeout Boxes
Twilight Town: Takeout Boxes

Cloves Moogle Shop: 10 Munny

Olympus: Ground
Twilight Town: Food Baskets

Cod Kingdom of Corona, Arendelle, The Caribbean
Cornichon Toy Box
Crab The Caribbean
Dill Monstropolis, The Caribbean
Eel Kingdom of Corona: Water

Twilight Town: Takeout Boxes

Eggplant Kingdom of Corona, The Hundred Acre Wood, San Fransokyo
Filet Mignon Monstropolis, The Caribbean
Garlic Toy Box, Kingdom of Corona, The Hundred Acre Wood, San Fransokyo
Gooseberry Arendelle, The Caribbean
Honey The Hundred Acre Wood
King Oyster Mushroom Moogle Shop: 10 Munny

Kingdom of Corona: Logs
Olympus: Ground

Lemon Moogle Shop: 20 Munny

Olympus: Food Baskets
Twilight Town: Food Baskets
Monstropolis, The Hundred Acre Wood

Lobster Kingdom of Corona, The Caribbean
Melon San Fransokyo
Miller Mushroom Arendelle, The Caribbean
Morel Moogle Shop: 10 Munny

Kingdom of Corona: Logs
Olympus: Ground
Arendelle, The Caribbean

Mussel Kingdom of Corona, Monstropolis, The Caribbean
Olive Oil Monstropolis, San Fransokyo
Onion Moogle Shop: 10 Munny

Olympus: Food Baskets
Twilight Town: Food Baskets
Kingdom of Corona, Monstropolis, The Caribbean

Orange Monstropolis, The Hundred Acre Wood, The Caribbean
Parsley Olympus: Ground

Twilight Town, Toy Box, The Caribbean

Pear Olympus: Food Baskets

Twilight Town: Food Baskets
The Hundred Acre Wood, The Caribbean

Porcini Moogle Shop: 10 Munny

Olympus: Ground
The Caribbean

Portobello Arendelle, The Caribbean
Pumpkin Toy Box: Takeout Boxes

Kingdom of Corona, The Hundred Acre Wood, The Caribbean

Quail The Caribbean
Raspberry Arendelle
Rice Monstropolis
Rosemary Moogle Shop: 10 Munny

Olympus: Ground
Toy Box

Saffron The Caribbean
Sea Bass Kingdom of Corona, The Caribbean
Scallop Kingdom of Corona, The Caribbean
Sole Moogle Shop: 20 Munny

Twilight Town: Takeout Boxes
Kingdom of Corona

Strawberry Toy Box
Sour Cherry Olympus: Cherry Flan Heartless
Thyme Toy Box, Kingdom of Corona
Tomato Kingdom of Corona, The Hundred Acre Wood, The Caribbean
Veal Moogle Shop: 20 Munny

Olympus: Food Baskets, Wooden Crates
Twilight Town: Takeout Boxes
The Caribbean

Watermelon The Caribbean
Zucchini Kingdom of Corona, The Hundred Acre Wood, San Fransokyo
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